Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Set up a Kitchen Witch Altar

What is a kitchen witchery?
A kitchen witch who is focused on the kitchen, using mostly edible ingredients and kitchen tools to practice magick.

A kitchen witch poppet, sometimes called a cottage witch  is a poppet or homemade doll resembling a stereotypical witch or crone displayed in residential kitchens as a means to provide good luck and ward off bad spirits, promotes love and  good health. 

 My kitchen witch  her name is Sonia paying tribute to my Russian Heritage she is a a nesting doll.  

what do you need to set up a Kitchen Witch Altar 

Wooden spoons   (  I got mine from    )  
Box or Shelf  ( the one in the photo Daw made himself )  
a Kitchen Witch Doll ( this can be a statue or a doll or anything to resemble or symbolize your kitchen witch
3 Clay Offering bowls   
a candle  symbolic of fire so red and orange are appropriate 
A miniature cauldron
Crystals and seashells.
 Stones that are particularly useful in the kitchen include clusters of clear or smoky quartz to combat radiation given off by electrical appliances, citrine in the eating area to aid digestion, and rose quartz or amethyst to promote harmony. Rose quartz also brings blessings to food preparation and inspires extra creativity when cooking
plants ( herbs ) 
Photos of loved ones such as grandmother or someone who taught you how to cook

( there is no wrong way to do this so let your imagination run wild with ideas )

an altar can be anything from the corner of a shelf, to a dedicated table. A witch does not want an altar where spillages or accidents can occur, but at the same time needs it to be within easy reach and view.

Perishable  offerings like seeds or spices or bread etc will need to be changed regularly to avoid going stale

The kitchen witch’s altar provides a focus for intent. It gives thanks to the goddess in the form of offerings, serves as a sacred space for working ritual magic,

what deities are the kitchen

Goddesses Associated with Hearth and Home
•Brighid (Celtic)
•Chantico (Aztec)
•Dugnai (Slavic)
•Hestia (Greek)
•Vesta (Roman)

Goddesses Associated with Grain and Harvest

•Ashnan (Babylonian)
•Ceres (Roman)
•Chicomecoatz (Aztec)
•Corn Mother
•Demeter (Greek)
•Pirua (Peruvian)
Goddesses Associated with Fire
•Agnayi (Hindu)
•Ida (Hindu)
•Kamui-Fuchi (Japanese)
•Li (Chinese)
•Pele (Hawaiian)
•Sekhmet (Egyptian)

Goddesses Associated with Kitchens, Cooking, Food & Domesticity

•Annapurna (Hindu)
•Baba Yaga (Slavic)
•Cerridwen (Celtic)
•Fornax (Roman)
•Freya (Norse)
•Frigg (Norse)
•Hehsui-no-kami (Japanese)
•Huixtocihuatl (Aztec goddess of salt)
•Ivenopae (Indonesian goddess of rice)
•Mama Occlo (Inca)
•Okitsu-hime (Japanese)
•Pomona (Roman goddess of orchards and fruit)

Other Goddesses Associated with Kitchen Witchery

•Athena (Greek goddess of weaving)
•Gaia (Mother Earth)
•Lakshmi (Hindu goddess of plenty)
•Nehallennia (Norse goddess of abundance)
•Ops (Roman goddess of earth)
•Sarasvati (Hindu goddess of creativity)
•Vasudhara (Hindu goddess of abundance)

Kitchen Gods for the Kitchen Witch
Some witches might like to have a kitchen god as well as goddess. Some appropriate ones would include:
•Bes (Egyptian god of household protection)
•Hyang kehen (Indonesian god of hearth fire)
•Oki-Tsu-Hiko-no-Kami (Japanese child of the Harvest God)
•Oki-Tsi-Hime-no-Kami (Japanese child of the Harvest God)
•Tsao Wang (Japanese god of hearth and kitchen)
•Sanpo Kojin (Japanese god of hearth and kitchen)
•Saule (Slavic god of hearth fire)
•Zao Jun (Chinese kitchen god)
In Chinese folk religion, Chinese mythology and Taoism; The Kitchen God also known as the Stove God, named Zao Jun, Zao Shen, or Zhang Lang, is the most important of a plethora of Chinese domestic gods that protect the hearth and family. The Kitchen God is celebrated in Vietnamese culture as well.

you can change your alter depending on season there is no wrong way no matter who tells you your doing it wrong there is no rules no wrong way to set up an altar so have fun 

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